The True Power of Concentration Part 1 | The teachings of William Walker Atkinson

Duane Carter
5 min readMar 10, 2021

Photo by Kellen Riggin on Unsplash

William Walker Atkinson lived from the late 19th Century to the early 20th Century and was known as one of the front runners of the “New Age Movement” which brought about the study and teaching on how our thoughts affect our reality. This should not be confused with Telekinesis, Telepathy and the like, although that can certainly be a subject for another time, it is not the focus of this article.

This article is about the True Power that every human being has with regards to the ability to affect their lives directly by altering their thought process and direction. It is true that there is merit to the idea of positive thinking and believing in what you are capable of (even though true belief can alter matter itself), this article and others to follow will be exploring the effects of Concentration on your life.

Have you ever met someone so driven and focused on a single goal or outcome that it almost seemed unnatural? Have you met someone that would not let others deter them from their path regardless of what others said or did to knock them down or off track? These are attributes of a single force that is possessed by all and can be utilized immediately with something as simple as a decision.



Duane Carter

Author and Poet. I write to educate, to share and simply to tell the story. I have traveled the world and hope to share my life with all who read.